属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 40
属类:文学表达-外国名著-Madame de Bovary
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 The end of the Sovie
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-聪明不在 Not so smart now
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-审美和金钱 弦动我心
1 | 我老是想把这些事情理出个头绪来,结果总在失望中作罢,只好把它放在一边,反正到晚上就会水落石出。 | I tried to puzzle it out, but gave it up in despair and set the matter aside until night should bring an explanation | |
2 | 我无可奈何,只好罢休。几个星期过去了,草长起来。 | I gave up in despair . The weeks passed and the grass grew. | |
3 | 我要尽量避免绝望,一旦受到它的威胁,立即想方设法向它挑战. | I will avoid despair but if this disease of the mind should infect me then I will work on in despair . | |
4 | 我一生一直为了令自己喜欢苏格兰人而努力,但我不得不在绝望中放弃这一项实验。 | I have been trying all my life to like stockmen,and am obliged to desist from the experiment in despair . | |
5 | 无可奈何之际,他们去求教在科瑞家宴会上认识的牧师西威尔先生。 | In despair they seek the advice of Mr. Sewell, a clergyman whom they had met at the corey’s dinner party | |
6 | 一个人在绝望时最失望。 | A person is most disappointed when he is in despair . | |
7 | 一会儿,他突然从后追上来,把笔钱塞到我手里,虽然他绝望地举起双手,但他毫不迟疑地收下了我付给他的5英镑 | A moment later, he ran after me and thrust the pen into my hands. Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair , he readily accepted the pound I gave him. | |
8 | 在绝境中思考法律与正义-论德里达关于法律的解构思想 | Asserting Law and Justice in Despair : Derrida’s View on the Deconstruction of Law | |
9 | 在失望中,我问她对这次饭菜是否觉得满意。 | In despair , I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner. | |
10 | 在香水女郎这件案子里,碰来碰去都是普通寻常的情况,这个聪明人对这一点也难免灰心绝望。 | This same intellect might have been plunged in despair at the ordinary character of all that met the eye in the case of the perfumery girl. | |
11 | 詹尼弗失望地把她的网球拍扔在地上。 | Jennifer flung her racquet down in despair | |
12 | 这位父亲在他的妻子死后陷入绝望。 | The father was in despair after the death of his wife. | |
13 | 种子不落在肥土而落在瓦砾中,有生命力的种子决不会悲观和叹气,因为有了阻力才有磨炼。 | When a seed falls under debris instead of on fertile soil, it never sighs in despair because to meet with obstruction means to temper itself | |
14 | 最后,查尔斯对债务问题感到毫无办法时(其实爱玛只透露了部分债务),就向他母亲吐露了实情,并答应使爱玛手上那张委托书无效。 | Finally, in despair over his debts, the extent of which Emma only partly revealed, Charles took his mother into his confidence and promised to destroy Emma’s power of attorney. | |
15 | ||1:20世纪初,这座城市的舞台上演着绝望。||2:维吉尼亚·伍尔芙《达洛维夫人》(1925)中的伦敦死气沉沉,不给一战结束后的人们半分慰藉。||3:B.普里斯特利的《天使街》(1930)则是近代的狄更斯翻版,讲述欺骗,破产和倒闭的公司。||4:20世纪60年代,穆里尔·斯帕克引领读者在这座焕然一新的大都市中穿梭,女人一想到性和电影明星便兴奋得大呼小叫,还热衷于给著名作家寄去一封封石沉大海的信件。||5:但在核战威胁的阴影面前,《窈窕淑女》这类轻快俏皮的小说顿时黯然失色。 | ||1: In the early 20th century the city was the backdrop for despair. ||2: Virginia Woolf’s London in “Mrs Dalloway” (1925) is mournful, offering little succour after the first world war. ||3: B. Priestley’s “Angel Pavement” (1930) offers a latter-day Dickensian tale of cheats, bankruptcy and failed firms. ||4: By the 1960s Muriel Spark guided readers through a new metropolis, where women gushed at the thought of sex and film stars, and penned unanswered letters to famous writers. ||5: Yet the delights of works such as “The Girls of Slender Means” are overshadowed by the threat of nuclear war. | |
16 | ||1:德米特里·杜德科神父战后研究宗教学,期间由于羁押在古拉格(关押叛国罪罪犯的苦役监狱)而中断八年。他可以说是人尽皆知的异数。||2:德米特里·杜德科神父传教富有激情、条理清晰,并且鼓励集思广益,号召教徒反对国家的倒退,抗击前苏联令人绝望生活中的病症,比如堕胎、酗酒和滥交。||3:毋庸置疑,他是坚决反对反犹太主义的。||4:用他的话说,犹太人是“神圣的朋友”。||5:上世纪70年代,他所著的长篇训诫引起不小的轰动,西方国家和前苏联地下都有出版,当然共产党当局是明令禁止的。||6:德米特里·杜德科神父同他们抗争,政府将他流放到了边远农村。||7:教徒们继而一路追随。||8:政府又转移他的流放地,教徒继续跟随。最后就是“政府藏,教徒追”。 | ||1: Father Dmitry, whose post-war theological studies had been interrupted by eight years in the gulag, was a striking exception. ||2: He preached passionately and lucidly. He fostered discussion and roused his flock against the degradation, despair, abortions, alcoholism and promiscuity of Soviet life. ||3: He resolutely opposed anti-Semitism. ||4: Jews were “sacred friends”, he said. ||5: In the early 1970s his sermons became a sensation, published in the West and in samizdat in the Soviet Union. The Communist authorities objected. ||6: He defied them. They exiled him to a distant village. ||7: His flock followed him there. ||8: The authorities moved him again. And on it went. | |
17 | ||1:最后,作者得出结论,与其说人类的大脑是理性的集合,还不如说它更像一个轻浮的少年:反复无常,容易分神,缺少自觉意识。||2:当然这本书不是人们悲观的忠告。||3:书的标题有些拗口,但它表明了卡内曼’对认知的双层分类模型:“系统一,快速,受直觉引导,易犯上述的错误。||4:相比之下,系统二则缓慢,慎重思考,不易犯错误。||5:只有当我们面临着复杂的问题时,系统二才会启动,更多的时候,是让受直觉影响的系统一来替我们做决定。(读者可能会想到弗洛伊德的“本我”“超我”,但卡内曼在书中压根没有提这位贡献卓著的前人) | ||1: After all this the human brain looks less like a model of rationality and more like a giddy teenager: flighty, easily distracted and lacking in self-awareness. ||2: Yet this book is not a counsel of despair. ||3: Its awkward title refers to Mr Kahneman’s two-tier model of cognition: “System 1” is quick, intuitive and responsible for the quirks and mistakes described above (and many others). ||4: “System 2”, by contrast, is slow, deliberative and less prone to error. ||5: System 2 kicks in when we are faced with particularly complex problems, but much of the time it is all too happy to let the impulsive System 1 get its way. (Readers may be reminded of Freud’s “id” and “superego”, though Mr Kahneman never mentions this particular intellectual ancestor.) | |
18 | 但这意味着买不起Strad提琴的年轻的演奏家不应陷入绝望。 | But it does suggest that young players who cannot afford a Strad should not despair. | |
19 | 人潮拥挤,班机延误,以及零售商机,机场带给人一种从愤怒乃至绝望的气息。 | With their crowds, delays and retail opportunities, airports impart feelings that range from irritation to despair. | |
20 | 但不管怎样,当时改革正举步维艰,而且像萨克斯先生这样的改革顾问也在绝望中离开。 | But in any case reforms were by then bogged down and advisers such as Mr Sachs had quit in despair . | |
21 | 但菲亚特迎来的却是失望,有效的成本削减计划被缓慢的销售增长所抵消,导致公司四年出现亏损。 | Instead, Fiat watched in despair as an effective cost- cutting programme was offset by slow sales, leaving four years of losses. | |
22 | 当病情危急时,吉诺曼绝望地守在外孙床前,他和马吕斯一样,不死也不活。 | As long as there was any danger, M. Gillenormand, seated in despair at his grandson’s pillow, was, like Marius, neither alive nor dead. | |
23 | 刀叉分离无疑让西餐餐桌礼仪专家们痛心,而且如今餐叉的销售额是餐刀的两倍。 | In a move that will leave etiquette experts in despair , forks are outselling knives by two to one. | |
24 | 狄多与埃涅阿斯---迦太基王后发现爱人抛弃自己去寻找罗马后绝望地自杀了。 | Dido & Aeneas - The Queen of Carthage kills herself in despair when her lover abandons her to found Rome. | |
25 | 第二天早上,我起床后希望看见蚂蚁已因无望而放弃了尝试,结果却发现它们又找到一条新的路径。 | I got up early next morning hoping to find that the ants had given up in despair . Instead, I saw that they had discovered a new route. | |
26 | 而另一幅漫画展现的是阿萨德绝望地捂着眼睛将日历从星期四翻到星期五,这通常是抗议的日子。 | Another shows Mr Assad shielding his eyes in despair as he turns the calendar from Thursday to Friday, the usual day of protest. | |
27 | 感觉是自己似乎没有办法抑制恐慌,而且常常在绝望之中卖了个地板价。 | Feeling like you can’t do anything that matters leads to panic and then, frequently, to selling in despair at the bottom. | |
28 | 给聪明人一个建议:当正确文法不合逻辑时,仍然不要放弃学习。 | A word to the wise: Don’t throw your hands up in despair when correct grammar is not logical. | |
29 | 或许,在绝望之中,他们甚至会拥抱我仍视之为荒谬的黄金。 | Perhaps, in despair , they will even embrace what I still consider to be the absurdity of gold. | |
30 | 她回到自己屋里,倒在椅子里,绝望伤心到了极点。 | She went into her room, and sank down in despair and utter misery. |